Professional refinishing companies can complete the repairs or you can use one of our cultured marble repair kits to get the job done. If you have one of these cultured marble vanity tops or bathtubs in your bathroom, and it is in need of repair, restoration can be completed in as little as an hour. Also the bowls tend to developed moderate to large cracks around the drain area or sometimes staining can be seen on the surface Cultured marble can easily become scratched, abused by abrasive cleansers, sharp objects or can be burned by cigarettes, curling irons or candles.

Over the years cracking can appear typically at the drain area as seen in this picture or along the edges of a bathtub. Cultured marble gets its name because of its marble appearance. The countertop or vanity top fixtures are identified as being one solid piece, counter and sink bowl molded as one. Bathtubs or Shower wall coverings made of cultured marble can also be found. Cultured marble vanity tops are very common in new home construction and older homes throughout the country.